Magento provides RSS feed for low inventory alerts. Lets us discuss how to subscribe to the feed.
First we need to set up the inventory level of a product at which it will be considered as low stock.
In Magento you can create CMS static block from Admin by following the path: Admin >> CMS >> Static Blocks.
Lets see how we can display them on the frontend.
1. Using Layout updates
You can add layout updates in local.xml file for a page as shown below:
<reference name="right"> <block type="cms/block" name="your_block_name" before="-"> <action method="setBlockId"> <block_id>your_block_identifier</block_id> </action> </block> </reference>
You can enter these layout updates in Magento admin also – Categories, Products, CMS Pages provide a field for “Custom Layout Update”.
In Magento you can set the position of the products in a category from Magento admin by following the path Admin >> Catalog >> Categories >> Manage Categories >> Edit a category >> Set the position of the products in the “Category Products” tab.
Let see how we can find the position of a product on the product detail page:
$catId = Mage::registry('current_product')->getCategoryId(); $category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($catId); $productPositions = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/category')->getProductsPosition($category); // This returns all product ids with their position echo $productPositions[$_product->getId()]; //Print the product postion
Magento is one of the most popular Open Source e-commerce software. It was initially released in March 31, 2008 by Varien Inc. It is a PHP based software, uses Zend Framework and the proprietary “Varien” libraray.
Magento is a free as well as a paid software – How? It depends upon which Magento verision you are using – Magento Community Edition (CE) or the Magento Enterprise Edition (EE). But now the question comes – Why will I pay if I can get it for free? The answer is “Great things come for a fee”. Actuallay Magneto CE is as good as Magento EE. It all depends on you needs, business size and how much are you ready to invest.