There are times when we require that a page always get served from the server and not from the browser cache. We can use the HMTL following “META” tags to acheive this.
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="0"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" CONTENT="no-cache">
I had used jQuery('#id').attr('readOnly', 'readOnly')
set the readonly property of text box and used jQuery('#id').removeAttr('readOnly')
to make the text box again but then found that "removeAttr"
did not work in IE7, the textbox was still not editable.
You try to add a new post and want to add a manually crafted excerpt but you do not see the excerpt box, there is no need to worry. On the Add new post screen click on the “Screen Options” link at the top right side besides the “Help” link below the welcome greeting.
If you are going to use Magento for the first time then its good to install it with sample database to test it. Here are the steps to install it with sample database.
Step 1: Download Magento zip from
Step 2: Download sample data zip from It contains a sql file named magento_sample_data_for_1.6.1.0 and a media folder.
Step 3: Upload the Magento zip to your server and unzip it.
Step 4: Change the permissions of the following folders so that they are writable by the web server.
Using permission 755 will work, in case it does not work use the permission 777.
Step 5: Upload the Sample data zip to your server and unzip it.
I was installing Magento, unzipped the files to a folder and accessed the URL but instead of getting the installation wizard I got 500 error. After much research I found that the issue was due to file permissions.
The following code is used to check if the current page is homepage
<?php if ( Mage::getSingleton('cms/page')->getIdentifier() == 'home' && Mage::app()->getFrontController()->getRequest()->getRouteName() == 'cms' ) : ?> //Do something here <?php endif; ?>
We can use the following code to check if we are on a category page or not
<?php if (Mage::registry('current_category')) : ?> //Do something here <?php endif; ?>